Sellen's questline is one of the best questlines out in the game, so i will show you how to finish it

1: Getting started

First you need to find Sellen in Waypoint ruins after you defeated the Mad Pumpkin Head.


She will tell you to talk to Primeval Sorcerer Azur who gives you Comet azur. You will show comet azur to sellen and she will give a new request. Primeval Sorcerer Azur is found on the north side of hermit village, Mount gelmir.


2: Master Lusat

After showing comet azur to Sellen and she will give you a new quest and will give you the Sellian Sealbreaker. The quest is to visit Master Lusat in Caelid south west of fort faroth and north to Church Of Plauge. It is behind an illusionary wall but it will be fairly easy to find if you are playing online, because of all the messages. After talking to Master Lusat he will give you the stars of ruins sorcery. (if my picture is not exact, sorry)


3: The Witch Hunter

After "talking" to Master Lusat you will need to talk to Witch Hunter Jerren. He is located in Redmane castle at the gazebo before the elevator entering Radahns boss room (You will need to beat Radahn for this). Redmane castle is located on the southern island in Caelid. Also make sure to spam the talk button until he repeats the same dialouge.


4: The Glintstone Soul

Once you show Stars Of Ruins to Sellen she will give you another quest. She will tell you to go to the edge of weeping pininsula and into witchbane ruins. You will find Sellens real body chained to the wall and she will tell you to take her soul. Doing that will give you the Primal Glintstone. After that you need to go to the ruins infront of Rannis Rise. You will need to interact to her and by doing that will put Sellens soul into the puppet. She will awake fairly after and thanks you for helping her.


The Choice

After you interact to Sellen a summon sign and a invader sign. If you summon her (My recommendation) you will get the Eccentric Armor set. If you return to the location where Primeval Sorcerer Azur was she will have a item. That item increases the damage that the sorcery Comet Azur will inflict on opponents. If you choose to invade her then you will be fighting with Witch Hunter Jerren. After you defeat Sellen then you will be rewarded with a Rune arc, Sellens bell bearing and the Witch’s Glintstone Crown


My opinion is that Sellens quest has a good story and his uniqe from others. I know that there is lot of running around and finding stuff than actually fighting. I really liked Sellen and be sure to check out my other tutorials.


ER Guides (Karaxlas Guides)