

Rannis questline is The Biggest questline in ER and it holds up to that name. The questline even gives you early access to Lake of rot and Ainsel river and also other queslines like

Sellens questline.

Getting started

First you need to get to the manor and clear that section (Don't forget to talk to Smithing master Iji. Then go up to the Three Sisters, then interact Ranni after you reach the middle "tower".


Exhaust her dialouge then go to siofra river. You can get there by a well in East Limgrave next to a Minor Erdtree. Go down the Very Long elevator down and while you are here you can do a bit of exploring


The Start Of The Adventure

Go the redmane castle and then talk to Blaidd. Start the festival of killing Radahn by talking to Witch Hunter Jerren and go down the elevator to the boss room. Radahn is easy so it shouldn't be a big trouble of beating him. After beating him there will be a cool cutscene showing meteors falling out of the sky a destroying the ground giving the player acsess to Nokron, Eternal City.


Procceed to Nokron in East Limgrave and go to the west of Fort Haight and you will see a big hole leading to Nokron. Proceed down to Nokron and do some parkour, then beat the boss "mimic tear". Go down the road and then head to Knights Resting Grounds and then get the "Fingerslayer blade".


While you are doing that you can get the ash summon called mimic tear and to get it you need to have 2 stonesword keys. You can also go beat the secret boss in siofra by lighting all the fires, then go the corpes of a regal ancestor spirit and interact. This will TP you to a secret boss/ bossroom and when you beat it you will get a remembrance.


After that then go back to Rannins Rise and talk to her.

The Halfway point

At the start of the questline Rennas Rise is blocked off by a mysterious force. If you go back after you did all of the previous steps then the mysterious force will be gone and inside of it will be a teleporter bringing you to Ainsel River Base. Ainsel River base is a previously an inaccessible area although the top part is accessible.

Once you get teleported into Ainsel River Base you will see an item in a coffin. The item inside the coffin is a "Miniature Ranii". Continue going through the level till you get to Nokstella, Eternal City.


When you rest at the grace there will be a new option to talk to miniature Ranni and exhaust her dialoge. She says ""I was once an Empyrean. Of the demigods, only I, Miquella, and Malenia could claim that title. Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers, as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika, to become the new god of the coming age. Which is when I received Blaidd. In the form of a vassal tailored for an Empyrean. But I would not acquiesce to the Two Fingers. I stole the Rune of Death, slew mine own Empyrean flesh, casting it away. I would not be controlled by that thing. The Two Fingers and I have been cursing each other ever since... And the Baleful Shadows... are their assassins."

From the grace walk in a straight line until you get to a building with a elevator. Go down the elevator and rest at the grace. Be sure to rest at the grace because a Baleful Shadow will invade you in the next room. After you defeat the Baleful Shadow Miniature Ranni will go cold and you will get the "Discarded Palace key". With the discarded palace key you can open the locked chest in the room with Rennala. The chest contains the "Dark Moon Ring".


procceed to the lake of rot and go into the big building with a lot of those centipeid lookin guys. Go at the end of the "River pathway" and you will see a coffin that leads to the boss room.


The boss is called astrallborn of the void or smth idc and if you can't beat this guy you are trash admit it, and i won't give you tips on how to beat this dude. You didn't click on for this. After this bossfight take the elevator, this elevator will take you to the west side of liurnia of the lakes on top of a previously unaccessible area. Head to the Cathedral of Manus Celem and carefully jump your way down the hole the the Cathedral. Once down the hole you will see Ranni covered with blood sitting on fingers.


Talking to Ranni will start a cutscene of you putting the dark moon ring on her, i know this is something about "Ranni lore" but im not that into lore. After the cutscene wait there for sometime and you will get the Dark Moon Greatsword, That shit is GOATED ngl. Now when you beat the last boss you can summon Ranni and get the Ranni ending or smth. If you like my tutorials then pls give me money or smth.